
Creates and calls the various methods of a UserInfo that exists on the pod heap.


(new callbacks)

Create a new user-info structure. Pass in a hashmap containing the functions to execute as values. These functions will be called by the internal ssh engine. The hashmap should contain some subset of the following keywords:

:get-password (fn [] ...)

return the password for the user

:get-passphrase (fn [] ...)

return the passphrase for the user

:prompt-yes-no (fn [^String question] ...)

ask the user a yes/no question. Block until the answer is gathered. Return a truthy value if yes.

:prompt-passphrase (fn [^String question] ...)

Ask the user for their passphrase. Block until it is gathered. Return true to continue connecting or false to quit the connection. Note: do not return the passphrase. That is gathered with a subsequent :get-passphrase if this function returned true.

:prompt-password (fn [^String question] ...)

Ask the user for their password. Block until it is gathered. Return true to continue connecting or false to quit the connection. Note: do not return the password. That is gathered with a subsequent :get-password if this function returned true.

:show-message (fn [^String message] ...)

Display for the user the specified message.