Creates and calls the various methods of an IdentityRepository that exists on the pod heap.
(new callbacks)
Create a new identity-repository. Pass in a hashmap containing the functions to execute as values. These functions will be called by the internal ssh engine. The hashmap should contain some subset of the the following keywords:
:get-name (fn [] ...)
return a string specifying the name of this repository
:get-status (fn [] ...)
return the present status of this repository. Can be :unavailable, :not-running or :running
:get-identities (fn [] ...)
return a sequence of the identities stored in this repository
:add (fn [^bytes identity-data] ...)
add the passed in raw data as an identity
:remove (fn [^bytes identity-data] ...)
remove the passed in raw data identity from the repository.
:removeAll (fn [] ...)
empty the repository