
bbssh is a babashka-pod that provides ssh support to babashka code.

Project repository is here


Babashka v0.10.194 or higher is required for full functionality. A local installation of ssh is not required.

bbssh supports the following operatibg systems and machine architectures:

  • Linux amd64
  • MacOS amd64
  • MacOS aarch64 (M1)
  • Windows amd64 *

* Note: Windows bbssh does not support ssh-agent key authentication.


The pod should automatically install on first use.

user=> (pods/load-pod 'epiccastle/bbssh "0.6.0")
Downloading pod epiccastle/bbssh (0.6.0)
Successfully installed pod epiccastle/bbssh (0.6.0)
#:pod{:id "pod.epiccastle.bbssh"}


Try writing the following into test_bbssh.clj

(ns test-bbssh
  (:require [babashka.pods :as pods]))

(pods/load-pod 'epiccastle/bbssh "0.6.0")

(require '[pod.epiccastle.bbssh.core :as bbssh])

(let [session (bbssh/ssh "localhost")]
  (-> (bbssh/exec session "echo 'I am running over ssh'" {:out :string})

Then execute the file with babashka. You will be prompted for your ssh password. Enter it and press return:

$ bb test_bbssh.clj
Enter Password for crispin@localhost:
"I am running over ssh\n"

Note: if you are running an ssh-agent and you have a relevant key you may not be asked for your password. bbssh supports authentication by ssh agent.

Manual installation

The pod artefact is a single static executable. Install this on your path and making it executable. Alternatively, use the installation script:

$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/epiccastle/bbssh/main/scripts/install
$ bash install

When installed you should be able to run it from the shell:

$ bbssh -v
bbssh version 0.6.0

And load it as a pod:

(pods/load-pod "bbssh" {:transport :socket})


Copyright (c) Crispin Wellington. All rights reserved.

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which can be found in LICENSE.