
Everything related to SSH public/private key pairs. Functions for generating, loading, saving, encrypting and decrypting keys. Also a function for signing arbitrary data with the private key.


(decrypt key-pair passphrase)

decrypt the private key with the passed in byte-array so that the private key is no longer stored encrypted. Can be followed up with setting a new passphrase to re-encrypt. Returns true if the decryption succeeded.


(dispose key-pair)

zero out the memory holding the private key passphrase so subsequent attacks on stale memory are thwarted


(generate agent key-type)(generate agent key-type key-size)

Generate a public/private SSH key pair. key-type should be :dsa, :rsa, :ecdsa, :ed25519 or :ed448. key-size is the number of bits and defaults to 2048.


(get-finger-print key-pair)

return the key finger print as a string.


(get-key-size key-pair)

returns the bit length of the key


(get-public-key-blob key-pair)

returns a byte-array of the raw public key data.


(get-signature key-pair data)(get-signature key-pair data algorithm)

Sign the passed in data with the private key, using algorithm if it is passed aswell


(is-encrypted key-pair)

returns true if the private key is encrypted with a passphrase


(load agent private-key-file)(load agent private-key-file public-key-file)

Load the key pair from a file. Pass both private and public filenames in to load from those files. If public key filename is omitted, the private key filename with “.pub” appended is used


(load-bytes agent private-key-bytes public-key-bytes)

Load the key pair from a byte array. Pass both private and public keys either as byte arrays or as strings. Half a keypair can be loaded to perform some operations. You may pass in nil for one of the key portions to only load the public or private portion.


(set-passphrase key-pair passphrase)

Set the passphrase on the private key to the string passphrase


(write-private-key key-pair filename)(write-private-key key-pair filename passphrase)

write the private key to a file filename. Optionally pass in a byte array passphrase to be used as a passphrase.


(write-public-key key-pair filename comment)

write the public key to file filename with the attached comment string.