Creates and calls the various methods of an Identity that exists on the pod heap.
(new callbacks)
Create a new identity. Pass in a hashmap containing the functions to execute as values. These functions will be called by the internal ssh engine. The hashmap should contain some subset of the following keywords:
:set-passphrase (fn [^bytes passphrase] ...)
Called when the system wants to try to decrypt this identity with the passed in passphrase.
:get-public-key-blob (fn [] ...)
Return a byte-array of the identity’s public key.
:get-signature (fn ([^bytes data] ...)
([^bytes data ^String algorithm))
Sign the incoming data (with algorithm) and return a byte-array of the signature
:get-alg-name (fn [] ...)
Return a string containing the identity’s algorithm name. for example “ssh-rsa” or “ssh-dss”
:get-name (fn [] ...)
Return a string name for this identity
:is-encrypted (fn [] ...)
Return a truthy value if this identity is encrypted
:clear (fn [] ...)
Erase all the memory associated with this identity as the system has finished using it.