How To
(require '[pod.epiccastle.bbssh.core :as bbssh])
Debug the ssh connection process
Register an error reporting function with pod.epiccastle.bbssh.agent/set-debug-fn
before initiating the connection
(fn [_level message]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(println message))))
Then when you connect you should see verbose error messages appear.
Connect to a machine with a hard coded password
You can hard code a password in the options hash.
Note: This is not recommended. You may accidentally commit your code to a repository with the password or inadvertantly expose it.
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:username "remoteusername"
:port 22
:password "the-password"})]
Connect to a machine with an encrypted private key and a hard coded passphrase
You can hard code the passphrase in the options hash.
Note: This is not recommended. You may accidentally commit your code to a repository with the passphrase or inadvertantly expose it.
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:username "remoteusername"
:port 22
:identity (str (System/getenv "HOME") "/.ssh/id_rsa")
:passphrase "the-key-passphrase"})
Turn off strict host key checking
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:strict-host-key-checking false})
Accept a key and add it to known hosts without complaint only on first connection
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:accept-host-key :new})
Accept a key if it matches a fingerprint
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:accept-host-key "SHA256:/tCQlmGVCXhwqJFq3h5aiEqD1UlUD9Eg5bDwd5yF52k"})
Allow connection to a legacy server that only supports RSA/SHA1 signatures
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:server-host-key #(str % ",ssh-rsa")
:client-pubkey #(str % ",ssh-rsa")}})
Connect to a dropbear ssh server
A very old server:
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:kex "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"})]
Or perhaps:
(bbssh/ssh "remotehost"
{:cipher "aes128-cbc"})]
Execute a remote ssh command using authentication forwarding
(-> (bbssh/ssh "remotehost")
(bbssh/exec "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
{:err :string
:agent-forwarding true})
;; => "Hi retrogradeorbit! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.\n"
Allocate a pseudo terminal for the remote shell
(-> (bbssh/ssh "remotehost")
(bbssh/exec "tty"
{:out :string
:pty true})
;; => "/dev/pts/72\r\n"