
Implementation of the scp protocol


(scp-from remote-path local-file {:keys [session recurse? preserve-mode? preserve-times? scp-command-fn], :or {preserve-mode? true, preserve-times? true, scp-command-fn identity}, :as options})

Using the scp protocol, copy a file or files from remote-path on the remote machine to local-file path on the local machine. remote-path should be a string specifying the remote server file or directory path (relative to the remote user’s home directory). local-file can be a string specifying the local destination path or a java.io.File object. Passed in options can contain the following keys and values:

  • :session contains the connected ssh session reference.
  • :recurse? when true perform a recursive copy. Defaults to false.
  • :preserve-mode? when true the file modes (permissions) of the destination files are set to the state of the source files. When false files are set to the specified :mode while directories are set to the specified :dir-mode. Defaults to true.
  • :mode when :preserve-mode? is false this value defines the permissions flags for destination files. Should be set using an octal value literal prefixed with a zero (eg 0000 for no flags or 0777 for all flags). Defaults to 0755.
  • :dir-mode when :preserve-mode? is false this value defines the permissions flags for destination directories. Should be set using an octal value literal prefixed with a zero (eg 0000 for no flags or 0777 for all flags). Defaults to 0644.
  • :preserve-times? when true the access time and the last modified time of the destination files are set to those of the source files. When false the files will contain their default creation time stamp values. Defaults to true.
  • :progress-fn can be passed a function of arity 2 that will be repeatedly called during the copy process to provide status updates. Each buffer that is copied results in a call. For more information see below.
  • :progress-context can be used to set the initial progress context value which will be passed to the first invocation of the :progress-fn callback. Defaults to nil.
  • :buffer-size sets the size of the copy buffer. Larger values should provide more throughput but will result in less fine grained progress updates. Default is 256 kilobytes.
  • :scp-command-fn sets an optional function to preprocess the remote scp command line invocation. The function will be passed the string of the command to invoke to launch the scp remote process and should return a new string to use as the command.

The callback :progress-fn will be called with 2 arguments. The first argument is the current :progress-context value. The second argument is a hashmap with the keys :dest, :offset and :size. :dest will be a java.io.File object representing the destination file in the local filesystem of the current copy. :size will be the final size the file will be in bytes when the copy is complete. :offset will be how much of the file copy has so far been performed in bytes. The progress-fn should return a new value for the progress-context. This will subsequently be passed as the first argument to the next call of progress-fn.

To get a better understanding of how these functions will be called try the following settings in options:

  :progress-context 0
  :progress-fn (fn [progress-context status]
                 (prn progress-context status)
                 (inc progress-context))


(scp-to local-sources remote-path {:keys [session recurse? preserve-times? preserve-mode? progress-context scp-command-fn], :or {preserve-times? true, preserve-mode? true, scp-command-fn (fn [cmd] (str "sh -c 'umask 0000;" cmd "'"))}, :as options})

Using the scp protocol, copy a file, files or data from local-sources on the local machine to remote-path path on the remote machine. local-sources should be a sequence of one or more sources. Each source can be a java.io.File (either a file or a directory) or a vector of [data info-hash] for raw data transfers. remote-path should be a string specifying the remote destination path or a java.io.File object (relative to the remote users home directory). Passed in options can contain the following keys and values:

  • :session contains the connected ssh session reference.
  • :recurse? when true perform a recursive copy. Defaults to false.
  • :preserve-mode? when true the file modes (permissions) of the destination files are set to the state of the source files. When false files are set to the specified :mode while directories are set to the specified :dir-mode. Defaults to true.
  • :mode when :preserve-mode? is false this value defines the permissions flags for destination files. Should be set using an octal value literal prefixed with a zero (eg 0000 for no flags or 0777 for all flags). Defaults to 0755.
  • :dir-mode when :preserve-mode? is false this value defines the permissions flags for destination directories. Should be set using an octal value literal prefixed with a zero (eg 0000 for no flags or 0777 for all flags). Defaults to 0644.
  • :preserve-times? when true the access time and the last modified time of the destination files are set to those of the source files. When false the files will contain their default creation time stamp values. Defaults to true.
  • :progress-fn can be passed a function of arity 2 that will be repeatedly called during the copy process to provide status updates. Each buffer that is copied results in a call. For more information see below.
  • :progress-context can be used to set the initial progress context value which will be passed to the first invocation of the :progress-fn callback. Defaults to nil.
  • :buffer-size sets the size of the copy buffer. Larger values should provide more throughput but will result in less fine grained progress updates. Default is 256 kilobytes.
  • :scp-command-fn sets an optional function to preprocess the remote scp command line invocation. The function will be passed the string of the command to invoke to launch the scp remote process and should return a new string to use as the command.

When using raw data transfers, the source declaration should be a vector of the form [data info-hash]. The data can be a string, a byte-array or an input-stream. The info-hash must contain a :filename that is used to specify the name of the destination file. In the case of an input-stream the size of the stream in bytes must be specified in a :size entry in the info-hash and must be correct (or else the scp protocol communication will fail).

The callback :progress-fn will be called with 2 arguments. The first argument is the current :progress-context value. The second argument is a hashmap with the keys :dest, :offset and :size. :source will be a java.io.File object representing the source file in the local filesystem of the current copy. :size will be the final size the file will be in bytes when the copy is complete. :offset will be how much of the file copy has so far been performed in bytes. The progress-fn should return a new value for the progress-context. This will subsequently be passed as the first argument to the next call of progress-fn.

To get a better understanding of how these functions will be called try the following settings in options:

  :progress-context 0
  :progress-fn (fn [progress-context status]
                 (prn progress-context status)
                 (inc progress-context))