

Manage lines in text files


  • This module ensures a particular line is in a text file, or can replace an existing line using a regular expression.

  • It can ensure a particular line is absent from a file.

  • It can gather a line or lines that match a regular expression from a file for further processing.

  • This is most useful when only a few lines need changing. Often it is better to template the entire file with the template module.


(line-in-file mode options)



The mode to operate in. Should be one of :get, :present or :absent


Return all lines matching the regular expression :regexp from the file. Also returns their line numbers.


Ensure that the passed in :line is in the file optionally placing it in the specified position.


Ensure that any lines maching the regular expression :regexp are not in the file.


A hashmap of options. All available option keys and their values are described below


required true
type string

    Path to the file

aliases :regex
type regexp

    The regular expression to look for in every line of the file

    In :present mode, the pattern to replace if found. Replaces the last occurance of that pattern.

    In :absent mode, the pattern of lines to remove. All occurances of that line will be removed.

    In :get mode, the pattern of lines to be returned. All occurances that match will be returned.

    If the regular expression is not matched, the line will be added to the file. :before and :after will allow you to control where in the file the line is inserted.

    If :before or :after is not used then ensure the regular expression matches both the initial state of the line as well as its state after replacement to ensure idempotence.

    NOTE: The regular expression is passed as a clojure regex literal or a Java regex but is converted into a sed regular expression for operation on the host. As such the semantics of the regular expression are those of the sed implementation on the host and not of Java's Pattern class.

type string

    A string to look for in every line of the file.

    In :present mode, the line that contains a match for the string will be replaced.

    In :absent mode, the line that contains a match for the string will be removed.

    In :get mode, the line that contains a match for the string will be returned.

    The same :before, :after and :insert-at rules apply as they do for :regexp.

type string

    An entire line to look for in every line of the file.

    In :present mode, the line that matches will be replaced.

    In :absent mode, the line that matches will be removed.

    In :get mode, the lines that match will be returned.

    The same :before, :after and :insert-at rules apply as they do for :regexp.

    If neither :regexp nor :string-match nor :line-match is specified, then the contents of :line is used as a value for :line-match.

type integer

    Specify the line to match by line number instead of regular expression. or string

type string

    The contents of the line to insert into the file

type regexp

    Used with mode :present

    If specified, the line will be inserted after the last (or first) match of the specified regular expression.

    If the first match is required, use :first-match true

    If the specified search expression has no matches, the line will be appended to the end (or prepended to the start) of the file.

    If the prepending to the start is required, use :insert-at :bof

    If a match is found for :regexp, :string-match or :line-match, insertion is skipped and this parameter is ignored

    May not be used in conjunction with :before

type regexp

    Used with mode :present

    If specified, the line will be inserted before the last (or first) match of the specified regular expression.

    If the first match is required, use :first-match true

    If the specified search expression has no matches, the line will be appended to the end (or prepended to the start) of the file.

    If the prepending to the start is required, use :insert-at :bof

    If a match is found for :regexp, :string-match or :line-match, insertion is skipped and this parameter is ignored

    May not be used in conjunction with :after

required true
type keyword

    How to handle files with multiple lines that match.

    Should be :first, :last or :all

required true
type keyword

    If no line matches and no :after or :before matches, describes where to insert the line.

    Should be :eof for end of file, or :bof for beginning of file.


Replace localhost entry with a custom line

(line-in-file :present
              {:path "/etc/hosts"
               :regexp #"^127\.0\.0\.1"
               :line " localhost local myhostname"})

Add a comment to the web port definition in /etc/services

(line-in-file :present
              {:path "/etc/services"
               :regexp #"^# http service port"
               :line "# http service port"})