Transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported curl protocols
This module wraps the functionality of the curl command line program.
It can be used to perform the actions of a web browser, such as downloading webpages and images, submitting webforms and uploading files.
It can be used to interface with any web based API.
(curl options)
A hashmap of options. All available options and their values are described below
Option | Description |
:method type keyword | The HTTP method to invoke. Can be Values are case insensitive. |
:url | The url of the remote service to send the request to. |
:headers | A hashmap of key/value pairs to send as HTTP headers. |
:accept | An HTTP accept header setting. |
:form | A hashmap of key/value pairs to submit as a form submission. |
:cookies | Specify some cookies to send. |
:cookie-jar | Specify a file to use as a cookie jar. Can be used to keep a session alive between multiple requests. |
:auth | Authenticate against a web service with the supplied credentials. |
:query-params | Specify a hashmap of key/value pairs to be encoded as GET method query parameters. |
:data-raw | Supply some unformatted data to be sent as the body of a request. |
:data-binary | Supply some binary formatted data to be sent as the body of a request. |
:http2 | Use HTTP/2.0 for transport. |
:output | Write the received output to the specified file. |
:user-agent | Supply a custom user agent string for the request. |
:decode | Decode the response body according to its mime type. |
:decode-opts | Specify additional body decoding options. |
:success-test | Specify a custom function to test the returned data type for success or failure. |
(curl {:url ""})
(curl {:url ""
:headers {:authorization (format "Bearer %s" (System/getenv "DO_TOKEN"))}
:decode-opts {:key-fn keyword}})