

Ensure a file or directory has the specified ownership and modification parameters


  • This module ensures that a path has the specified ownership and modification flags.


(attrs options)



A hashmap of options


type string

    The location of the file or directory to operate on

type integerstring

    The user that should have ownership over the file or directory. Can be specified as the username or the user id.

type integerstring

    The group that should have ownership over the file or directory. Can be specified as the groupname or the group id.

type integerstring

    Set the access mode of this file or files.

    Can be specified as an octal value of the form 0xxx, as a decimal value, or as a change string as is accepted by the system chmod command (eg. "u+rwx").

type integerstring

    Set the access mode of any directory or directories.

    User when settings attributes recursively.

    Can be specified as an octal value of the form 0xxx, as a decimal value, or as a change string as is accepted by the system chmod command (eg. "u+rwx").

type boolean

    Recurse into subdirectories and set the attributes of all files and directories therein.


Make a directory to store a website in on nginx

(attrs {:path "/var/www/mysite.mydomain"
        :owner "www-data"
        :group "www-data"})