Outputting XML with Bootleg
The latest release of bootleg (0.1.7) contains some new XML output functionality. I added this to bootleg to facilitate the generation of an RSS news feed form the epiccastle blog page that you are reading right now. Here is how I generate this RSS.
In this blog I have post metadata stored in some short yaml files. I can gather all the relevant filenames in with the glob
(for [filename (glob "*/vars.yml")]
And then I can read these vars in with the yaml
(let [vars (yaml filename)]
I build all these yaml structures into a single hash map keyed by the post number.
(let [posts
(->> (for [filename (glob "*/vars.yml")]
(let [post-num (-> filename
(string/split #"/")
vars (yaml filename)]
[post-num vars]))
(into {}))]
Generating the RSS
I can now use this datastructure to generate an rss xml file. I do this by passing some hiccup to (convert-to hiccup-data :xml)
(spit "feed.xml"
(-> [:rss {:version "2.0"}
[:title "Epiccastle Blog"]
[:description "Epiccastle.io Updates"]
[:link "https://epiccastle.io/blog/"]
[:lastBuildDate now-string]
[:pubDate now-string]
[:ttl "1440"]
(for [[n {:keys [snake-title
:as post-data}] (reverse (sort posts))]
[:title title]
[:description (-> post-data
[:link (str "https://epiccastle.io/blog/" snake-title)]
[:gid snake-title]
[:pubDate rss-date]])]]
(convert-to :xml)))
Other helpful functions
I needed to escape the html markup to embed it in the xml description tag with this function:
(defn escape-html
"Change special characters into HTML character entities."
(-> text
(string/replace "&" "&")
(string/replace "<" "<")
(string/replace ">" ">")
(string/replace "\"" """)))
And my now-string
variable I generate with the following simple code at the top of my file:
(import [java.time OffsetDateTime]
[java.time.format DateTimeFormatter])
(defn string->datetime [s]
(OffsetDateTime/parse s DateTimeFormatter/RFC_1123_DATE_TIME))
(defn datetime->string [dt]
(.format dt DateTimeFormatter/RFC_1123_DATE_TIME))
(def now (OffsetDateTime/now))
(def now-string (datetime->string now))
You can see the actual source for this process here.